Finding The Right Blend: Humans, Tech and MAQE’s Vision For 2020

We have all experienced the benefits of technology, in lots of different ways. We’ve also seen how technology can create better outcomes.

We’ve also seen situations where a technical solution has not worked out, even when we thought it would fix a problem. Business operations have made a lot of investments into new technology or software, only for it to become obsolete or abandoned by users.

MAQE has seen this pattern happen before. So it’s important to have a long-term vision.

With that in mind, we’d like to share our perspectives and experiences of how a business can avoid this type of pain. So, here is MAQE’s new technology position and vision for 2020.

Let’s look at the relationship between people and technology.

It can’t be denied that technology is a huge part of human life. Since the birth of the internet and the evolution of computers and smartphones, we carry technology with us every second of every day. Using transport, food ordering, GPS navigation, booking a fitness class, sleep tracking…we are more connected to technology than ever.

This will only increase, technology is everywhere.

But what is the essential ingredient from the process above? It is people who use the technology.

That said, people choose technology that works and fits in with their journey or process, to make their life better. Technology is not the main character in the story, but it’s there to support users and help people achieve their goals. We believe that this is the same for businesses.

We’ve been asked to deliver many software projects and provide solutions to specific technical problems. While we solve the technical issue, the people who use our systems may not have had their issues solved. For example, you could deliver a digital solution with a better application but if the staff using the application are not aligned, you may only have solved half of the problem.

The question should be:

How might we use the right technology to achieve a better business outcome?

Instead of focusing on building or creating solutions, we want to shift our position and focus on people. It is vital to understand their behavior first and only then serve the right tech solution that fits in with their journey, from beginning to end. By shifting our perspective we believe we can provide tech solutions that will enable people to achieve their missions.

The right tech solution, from our perspective, is technology that:

  • People want to use it
  • The low user learning curve
  • Seamless integration with the user’s environment
  • That works behind the scenes to present the right recommendation at the right time
  • That automates mundane tasks and lets people focus on what’s important to their business

It’s like the Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang. Humans are the creators who build technology. On the other side, technology can also shape a better life. MAQE has the capability and expertise to offer a variety of tech solutions that can achieve any business goal, but we believe that the right solution starts with understanding human needs first.

Humanizing the future, FTW
Viriya Reungwai (CTO)

This insight is a part of MAQE Journal Issue #1, read the full article here.