Introducing WorkMatters

Today is a big day. Because today is the day we reveal what we’ve been working on for the past 18 months! Today is the day that we announce WorkMatters to the world: a weekly newsletter and Medium publication on and about the future of work. 

Now, we appreciate this might come as somewhat of a surprise. In our line of work, it’s not uncommon to launch startups and open source projects, etc. But a newsletter? And a publication? On the future of *work*?

That’s right. WorkMatters is a weekly newsletter and publication on matters relating to work. Written by us here at MAQE because we think that work matters. 

See what we did there? 

*Work* matters because work *matters…*

Seriously though: we live in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. And in this world, only the organizations that can continuously adapt to changing circumstances will survive. Business Agility is *the* must-have capability of organizations in the 21st Century. And yet most organizations are anything but agile. 

Most organizations are built for a by-gone era. 

That’s why we, 18-or-so-months-ago, decided that this was something we needed to learn more about. And so we began reading everything we could get our hands on relating to work — everything from motivation and skill acquisition on the one hand to complexity theory and human consciousness on the other! No stone left unturned. And WorkMatters is the result. 

The reason we did this is simple:

We’re in the business of transformation. Initially, we thought about this as *digital* transformation. But you know what? Transformation is a decidedly human endeavor. It’s about people, not technology. And so if we wanted to help our customers transform, well, we decided we better look beyond technology. 

Technology is a fantastic tool. But at the end of the day, it’s what we (and our colleagues) do with that technology that matters. 

At the time of writing, you will find close to 100 issues of WorkMatters available for free on Medium. And we’ll continue to publish more with each week that passes. 

You can follow WorkMatters on Medium or you can subscribe to the newsletter. Apart from getting fresh insights delivered straight to your inbox, the newsletter also ensures you get new issues faster — there’s a 3-month delay from newsletter publication and availability on Medium. 

Thank you. And we hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing!